A good night’s sleep is key to excellent health, vitality, peak performance, weight maintenance, and moods. Our bodies physically restore and repair, clear our brains of toxins, process and memorize information, strengthen our immune system, and restore our moods. Many of us don’t get enough sleep, and our well-being and health suffer. Lack of Sleep Has Consequences If you are not sleeping well, then you are not healing well. Here are just a few consequences that can arise when you are not sleeping well:
I can help you learn the impact on your body when you’re not getting enough rest and what you can do about it to get the most restful night’s sleep ever!
Will dive into your lifestyle and work with you to improve the quality of your sleep. She will;
Book a free 15 min call with Renay to see how she can help.
$125 60 minutes
Focusing on general sleep hygiene and health
$125 90 minutes
Using relaxation techniques, imagery and the power of suggestion, hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to help you gain control over undesired behaviours Use for weight loss, sleep issues, phobias, stress, anxiety, and more.
1 (60-minute) initial consultation
3 (60-minute) follow-up sessions Questions via email or text in-between sessions.
Focusing on nutrition, mindset, habit-change, and emotions that guide your everyday choices around sleep, health, and nutrition.
Hypnotherapy can be used for a follow-up session
All information presented and written within wholesolutionshealth.com are intended for informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice.
Free May master classes available with our Sleep Coach and Hypnotherapist, Renay Roberts.